How We Rate
MattressVerdict uses the following factors to rate and rank every mattress model and brand -
- Price
- Materials
- Mattress Construction
- Return Policy
- Warranty
- Company Stability
- Consumer Feedback
- Brand Popularity
- Conversion Rate (The number of people who actually buy after a visit to our website - we see that as a vote of confidence).
For rankings we also use the session information as explained below -
- Session - very user session has some anynomous information that us used to help decide what is the best mattress for you. It can be your location, the trafic source you came from, the device you are using and more.
Advertising fees - fees we get from brands also have an effect on rankings and ratings. This is why we are able to keep a free and high quality website. The fees are not the main criteria in which we rank.
The combination of all these factors determines rankings and ratings, similar to the way Google ranks ads on search. Ranking and ratings isn't an exact science and we recommend all users to perform their own research to find the most suitable mattress for them.